Come find what lurks on the path less traveled.
The dust and decay of old towns, whose heyday lies in the past, clings not just to the broken buildings and potholed streets. It's in the people, too, the old families that have stayed for generations.
Broken Bramble Books is Input/Output Enterprises' folk horror imprint, featuring titles about wayward travelers stumbling into sleepy little towns that hold dark secrets.
Submission Opportunities
Summer Haunts
Ghost stories by the camp fire, long hikes in dangerous woods, abandoned buildings standing as challenges to bored school children, oppressive heat that might drive even the most patient person to the brink: the summer seems calm and peaceful, like nothing could go wrong in the world as long as the sun is shining and the weather's warm. But scratch the surface and there's plenty of dread. Summer is a season when people go out and explore the world, when inhibitions are lessened, and when
Word Limit: 6,000 words
Compensation: flat $15 fee upon publication, plus a digital copy of the magazine (which you're free to share).
Format: We will accept short-form fiction any way you want to write it. This can include poetry, flash fiction or short stories.
We're particularly interested in the subversion of form. We don't care about hard and fast rules, so don't worry too much about formatting. If you feel its good, chances are that shines through in the writing. And we want to read it.
Genre: Anything that's dark, creepy, weird and just a little off-kilter. We're open to genre fiction, particularly anything related to horror, science-fiction, speculative fiction or weird fiction. But we're also interested in anything that twists or subverts these genres in some unexpected way.
Simultaneous submissions: We will accept simultaneous submissions, but please inform us if this applies to you. If a story may be pulled away from us at the last minute, we want to know as this may affect our decision on acceptance.
Multiple Submissions: We do not accept multiple submissions.
Reprints: We do not accept reprints. We will accept stories that have already been published if they've been dramatically altered in some way. If this is the case, please inform us.
Publishing Rights: We claim First North American Serial Rights for all accepted submissions. After publication, rights revert back to the author.